Facilities for the disabled


We are doing our best to make MTP Poznań EXPO a disabled-friendly place. We install lifts and driveways wherever possible, so that the persons on a wheelchair could easily move around the whole fairgrounds. Most of our toilets located in the exhibition halls are also adjusted to the needs of people with limited walking abilities.

All our main entrances have vast doors which allow for easy entrance of a person on a wheelchair.

Blind persons accompanied by a guide dog may be certain that they will be welcome here. However we would like you to take into consideration the fact that the level of loudness at some events may be high enough to cause discomfort in an animal.

We also encourage to use the tab “How to get here” to find out what is the easiest way to arrive at the Fair. The majority of buses in Poznań , just like trains, is adjusted to the needs of people on a wheelchair.

Waiting in a queue to a ticket office may be bothersome. We encourage you to purchase tickets earlier using the tab “Tickets”.

We know that there is always something more that can be done. If you are a disabled person or a caregiver of a disabled person and have any questions – do send us an email (info) or call us! (+48 61 869 2000)